Categories for Uncategorized

Seeking candidates for the LMB board

February 6, 2023

The League of Michigan Bicyclists is seeking to fill up to three openings for our Board of Directors. We are committed to reflecting the vibrant diversity of our members and of the Michigan bicycling community, in line with our vision for a state where bicycling makes life better for everyone. Are you enthusiastic about bicycling in...

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Candidate Survey responses!

October 21, 2022

LMB reached out to candidates for the Michigan State House of Representatives and State Senate last month and invited them to answer the following questions. The responses we received are below, with candidates for representative listed first, in order of district, and then candidates for senator. Candidates gave a “yes” or “no” for each legislative...

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Our letter of opposition to SB 1191

October 6, 2022

On Wednesday, Oct. 5, LMB communications and advocacy director Matt Penniman hand-delivered a letter to the offices of Senators McBroom, Outman, Schmidt, and McCann, regarding the opposition of LMB, the Michigan Mountain Biking Association, and many other regional mountain biking associations, bike shops, youth bicycling organizations, and others to SB 1191. The letter begins: “Chair...

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Shout out the word on safe passing

September 14, 2022

Close passes on the road are frightening and dangerous. Too many Michigan drivers are still ignorant of the safe passing laws that LMB fought to get enacted. We’re spreading the word, but we need your help. We scripted and recorded an audio PSA about safe passing with help from WJR, and it’s playing there now....

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What now? The next steps for safer bicycling

August 6, 2022

It’s hard to sit with the heaviness that settles in after a tragic event. We feel helpless, like no action we can take will relieve the suffering of those that have experienced the tragedy first hand. As cyclists, we know the gnawing fear that comes with wondering if it will be us or our loved...

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On the tragic crash in Ionia County on July 30, 2022

August 1, 2022

The bicycling community is heartbroken for the families of Edward Erickson, 48, of Ann Arbor, and Michael Salhaney, 57, of Bloomfield Hills, who were killed on Saturday, July 30, 2022. We send our best wishes for the long road to recovery to those who were injured. This tragic crash should never have happened. It was no...

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B2V Tech: Will Beacons Make Bikes Safer?

May 13, 2022

In a cyclist’s ideal world, getting on a bicycle is completely risk-free. All vehicles coexist perfectly — there is no chance of a bump, crash, or fatality. Drivers are at all times aware of their surroundings, know exactly where and when to look for a cyclist, and have excellent cyclist-driver etiquette. Complete on-road harmony! If...

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Michigan State Awarded Gold Bike Friendly University Status

May 13, 2022

“Bicycling on campus allowed me to take my time into my own hands and quite honestly, in my opinion, it’s the most efficient way to commute,” Haley Dietz, recent MSU grad, reflected on her cycling experience at MSU. “But what kept me cycling on campus was the way the bike lane allows you to see...

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Striving Towards Diversity and Inclusion: Roots to Rise at LMB

May 13, 2022

As bicyclists, it can be easy to assume that what we do is simple and accessible. Many of us grow up cycling – we have access to the proper resources from a young age, and it becomes integrated easily into our lives. When something becomes second nature, it can feel like our experience is universal....

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