On Wednesday, Oct. 5, LMB communications and advocacy director Matt Penniman hand-delivered a letter to the offices of Senators McBroom, Outman, Schmidt, and McCann, regarding the opposition of LMB, the Michigan Mountain Biking Association, and many other regional mountain biking associations, bike shops, youth bicycling organizations, and others to SB 1191.
The letter begins:
“Chair McBroom and members of the Michigan Senate Committee on Natural Resources,
As members of the Michigan mountain bicycling community, we are in agreement with the principles of fair access articulated by the League of Michigan Bicyclists (LMB) and endorsed by more than 1,700 individuals (available at LMB.org/protectaccess.) We wish to register our opposition to Senate Bill 1191, as introduced by Sen. Runestad on Sept. 28, 2022, for the following reasons…”
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