I Love It When A Plan Comes Together.
June 10, 2019There is this old TV show I used to watch growing up in the 80s. At the end of every episode, when the enemy was beaten and peace restored, one of the main characters would lean back in the shade, smile, and tell his team, “I love it when a plan comes together.” If you...
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Governor’s Fitness Award
May 13, 2019Presented by the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness, Health and Sports and the Michigan Fitness Foundation, the Governor’s Fitness Awards (GFA) recognize communities, organizations, and individuals who inspire healthy choices. Nominated by Michiganders, the GFA finalists are then selected by a panel of judges and announced each spring. This year, GFA finalists were recognized on...
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New Roadway Safety Law Goes Into Effect Today
September 27, 2018Starting today, September 27, 2018, drivers must give a minimum of 3-feet of room while passing bicyclists on Michigan roadways. The new Public Acts were passed with overwhelming bipartisan support and were signed into law by Governor Snyder on June, 29 2018. PA 279 of 2018 requires a motorist attempting to overtake a bicyclist traveling...
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Bikes on Trains Amtrak Wolverine Line
July 23, 2018The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and Amtrak invited LMB and local bicyclists to three press events launching bicycle service on Amtrak’s Wolverine line. Bicycles will now be accepted on the Amtrak Wolverine Service (Trains 350-355), with three daily round-trips between Pontiac and Chicago, via Detroit, Dearborn, Ann Arbor, Jackson and other stops. The press events will...
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Obstructed License Plate Bill Signed Into Law
May 18, 2018Governor Snyder signed our obstructed license bill, HB 5100, into law on May 16, 2018! This new law, Public Act 147 of 2018, clarifies the definition of an obstructed license plate to exclude bicycle racks and other rear-mounted devices. In 2016, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled in People v. Dunbar, that law enforcement were within...
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E-bike Law: What You Need To Know
August 11, 2017On October 29, 2017, Governor Snyder signed LMB’s e-bike legislation into law! This legislation, HB 4781, 4782, and 4783, amends the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) to clarify the definition of e-bikes and outlines where e-bikes can be ridden legally on Michigan roadways and trails. E-bike use has grown rapidly in Michigan creating an urgent need...
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