Your membership ensures that a full-time bicycle advocacy group is looking out for your interests, keeping the roads open to bicyclists and working to establish a more informed government and public. Membership aligns you with bicyclists throughout Michigan to become part of a proven, effective, grassroots advocacy group whether you are a racer, recreational rider, mountain biker, tourist or commuter.

If the cost of an individual membership is prohibitive, please contact Membership and Development Director Nicky Bates at [email protected] to learn about our Advocacy Membership.

member portal

Join Us


Membership Costs
• Student - $25
• Individual - $50
• Family/Household - $75
• Advocacy Membership - $0*
• Lifetime Individual Membership - $750
• Lifetime Household Membership - $1,100

Membership Benefits
• Early registration access and more flexible cancellation on LMB Bicycle Tours
• Discounts on LMB events, Bicycle Tours, and merchandise
• One-year subscription to Michigan Bicyclist magazine
• Early copies of the Michigan Ride Calendar and reduced advertising rates
• Monthly E-News delivered straight to your inbox
• Access to and discounts from MI bike shops and businesses
• Access to Expert Voice, a platform offering exclusive deals on brands like Garmin, Pearl Izumi, Fox Racing, Craft, Nuun, and many more.
•*Advocacy Memberships: We want to represent ALL bicyclists in Michigan, regardless of their ability to support LMB financially. Sign up for this free digital-only membership with limited benefits to be in the know on our legislative action alerts and on the greater Michigan bicycling scene through our e-news.




Membership Costs
• Organization/Business/Club/Team/Industry - $125
• Bicycle Shop - $125 (+$30 for additional locations)
• Lifetime Organization Membership - $1200

Membership Benefits
• Early registration access and more flexible cancellation on LMB Bicycle Tours
• Discounts on LMB Bicycle Tours and merchandise
• One-year subscription to Michigan Bicyclist magazine
• Early copies of the Michigan Ride Calendar and reduced advertising rates
• Monthly E-News delivered straight to your inbox



member portal



Our Members