Save the Date! 

Join us in Lansing on May 14, 2024.

Join us at the State Capitol on May 14 for a unique opportunity for cyclists of all abilities – casual riders and die-hards alike – to converge on the State Capitol and speak with one voice to help make Michigan bicycling better. The most powerful way to reach your representative and senator is to meet with them in person, as a resident of their district, and share what matters most to you. All of us can move the needle when we work together. Your voice is needed in Lansing!

The League of Michigan Bicyclists’ Annual Advocacy Day is a chance for bicyclists across Michigan to come together and meet with their state senators and representatives. We schedule meetings with each attendee’s representatives, provide you with a sheet of talking points based on our legislative agenda for 2024, and give you time to tell your representation in Lansing why they should passionately support safer and better bicycling initiatives in Michigan! All of us can move the needle when we work together. Your voice is needed in Lansing!



Thank you to our friends at PEAC and Alzheimer’s Association of Michigan and Abbi at Vibrant Mind for their sponsorship and support of Advocacy Day!

Pedal away to fight the darkness of dementia with the Alzheimer’s Association Longest Day campaign. Create a cycling event or cycle on your own to raise awareness and funds to support over 380,000 family caregivers in Michigan. Register at to connect with your local Longest Day manager.

Step outside of your comfort zone and shred!

Interested in joining PEAC, Alzheimer’s Association of Michigan, and Abbi at Vibrant Mind as a sponsor? Become part of this important event and explore sponsorship opportunities! Your contribution helps us make a meaningful impact in advocating for cycling and trail initiatives across our community. Contact Development and Membership Director, Nicky Bates at [email protected].