Benefits of a Bike Commute
August 18, 2021While the Bike it! Commuter Challenge is a way to directly support LMB, commuting has a multitude of benefits on its own. Here are a few reasons we support riding your bike to school, work, shopping, and anywhere else! It’s clean. Bicycles get you to work (or wherever you’re going) without polluting. Cleaner air means...
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Five Commuter Tips
August 16, 2021As our Bike It! challenge draws closer, we’re going to share some commuting tips and tricks – from route planning, to safety and goal-setting – and here are five to start. Brush up on bike laws: While bicyclists can often choose to ride on roads or sidewalks in Michigan, those who ride on motorways must...
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Request for Proposals: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Consultant
August 6, 2021Goal The League of Michigan Bicyclists (LMB) continues to strive to be a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse organization and do our part to dismantle the systems in our community that perpetuate inequity. LMB seeks an experienced DEI Consultant to work with the staff and the board of directors to help implement policies, practices, programs, benchmarks, and organizational...
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