Seeking trainers with law enforcement experience
January 18, 2021The League of Michigan Bicyclists (LMB) has been awarded funding for FY 2021 from the Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP) to carry out bicycle and pedestrian community safety training for law enforcement officials. LMB is looking for a couple of subcontractors to assist with these trainings. These individuals MUST have a minimum of 3-5...
Read moreAn update on LMB’s Bike Safety Quiz
January 15, 2021We’ve been thrilled with the response so far to the new bike safety quiz that LMB released last August, developed with support from the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning. Hundreds of people have taken the quiz to date, and we’ve heard a lot of positive feedback! One quiz-taker said: “I have been riding bikes...
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Welcome to the lawmakers of the 101st Michigan Legislature
January 13, 2021Today, as the new legislative session starts at Michigan’s Capitol, we welcome all new and returning lawmakers and wish them the best for a safe and productive session in service to the people of our beloved state. We’re looking forward to days when we can meet and discuss the best ways to advance safety for...
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Update on 2021 Tours
January 5, 2021Update on 2021 LMB tours, including Shoreline West and MUP: We are still determining our registration opening date and some of the details for the tours, including capacity. We’ve got a lot of additional considerations this year to hold the tours safely, as you might imagine. We’ll be sure to announce the opening date with...
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