The Next Mile: Where We’re Going on E-bike Incentives

August 7, 2024
“Why is gas so dang expensive? Isn’t there any alternative?”
If you’ve filled up a car or truck in the last few weeks, you’ve probably asked these questions. At LMB, we’ve got a vision for where we’re going: a future where our transportation system is more equitable and environmentally sustainable, and bicycling makes life better for everyone.
But it’s not always easy to tell where we are on the long journey to get there, when it seems every week brings more tragic crashes on Michigan roads. We’re sharing five pieces of the map: five areas where we’re making a difference and the next step on the route is clear.
And – to be totally clear – we’re asking for your support to get us there. We rely on you – your energy, your ideas, your enthusiasm, and your dollars – to get us further down the road and travel the next mile toward better bicycling.
I’ll be honest: revenue at nonprofits like LMB isn’t always stable or predictable. This year, it’s changed pretty significantly, and falling short of our projections. We’re making some adjustments, but it’s not an overstatement to say that your donation is truly more impactful than ever! This month is The Next Mile, a special appeal with a goal of raising $15,000 in donations before Labor Day. Your special gift will ensure LMB’s advocacy work to improve bicycling in Michigan can continue. 

Photo: Jethro Wise with the e-bike he purchased with support from a Lansing Board of Water and Light incentive

Mile 3: E-bike Incentives

Where we are: Ten other states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington) have e-bike incentive programs that recognize their transformative potential for clean, affordable transportation.
Last year, LMB started the push for Michigan e-bike incentives. Thanks in part to your efforts, they were included in the House transportation budget, but not in the final budget. This year, we intensified our efforts, organizing a coalition of supporters to lobby legislative leaders. The incentives made it through negotiations between the House, Senate and Governor and were included in the final budget: $2.95 million to help Michiganders afford clean, safe, efficient, and joyful transportation!
Where we’re going: There’s one more step to seal the deal and for this budget item to go into effect. HB 4491, introduced by Rep. Julie Rogers and co-sponsored by 16 additional representatives, will define the details of the program. It creates an e-bike incentive program that discounts purchases by $300 for qualified applicants of all income levels or $600 for low-income households, reserving at least half the incentive dollars for low-income. In addition, it supports Michigan bike shops as local small businesses by requiring incentives to be used at an in-state retailer.
For the MI e-bike incentive program to become a reality, HB 4491 needs to be enacted this fall. Will you ask your legislators for their support?
We see this incentive program as incredibly valuable for growing the community of Michigan bicyclists and building local support for more safe places to ride. As the components of a bicycle work together for a smooth ride, so do the parts of our strategy to make Michigan bicycling better.
This year, we’re seeing that strategy come together in so many ways. LMB is leading the way toward a state that embraces bicycling as a key element of transportation and recreation, and as a joyful way to live. If you share that vision – if that sounds like a journey that’s worth taking – we need you for the next mile.
Whether you can give $50, $5, $150, or $500, we need your gift.
Matt Penniman
Communications and Advocacy Director

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