In the midst of a terrible pandemic, we got some good news: our advocacy worked! Thank you so much to our members, those who took action by signing our letter, and especially to all those who supported our advocacy through financial contributions.
In the governor’s latest Executive Order 2020-59, bicycle maintenance and repair are specifically called out as a “resumed activity.” It appears the order is intended to allow exactly what our letter asked for: no-contact bicycle sales and service. Customers will not be allowed to enter shops, but will be able to purchase items through online or phone orders for delivery or curbside pick-up, and drop off bicycles for repair.
It’s important to note that shops are allowed to resume service, but not required to do so. Especially in parts of the state that have been hit hard by the pandemic, some shops (like Wheelhouse Detroit) are deciding that it’s not safe for them to open. We respect and appreciate the difficulty of these decisions, and encourage everyone in the bicycle community to put public health first.
We’re asking shops to take the following steps now:
1) Put clear safety protocols in place that meet or exceed the standards in the Executive Order. Shops should still be closed to members of the public, with sales via delivery or curbside pick-up only. We strongly recommend sanitizing every bicycle before and after repairs. Other shops in Philadelphia, New York City and Los Angeles may be good models. There are also good COVID-19 Industry Resources from PeopleForBikes.
2) Provide cloth masks for everyone in the shop. There are instructions for making your own from the CDC, and many online sources to purchase them.
3) Remember that some staff may not be ready to come back. Whether because of increased risk, complicating factors, family circumstances, or some other reason, some shop employees may not be ready to return to work at this time. We’re asking all shop managers to please put public health first.
Thanks for supporting our constant efforts, in public and behind the scenes, to get bicycle shops back open. We know times are tight for a lot of folks – but we need your donations and memberships more than ever. Consider giving to our Future Fund, share your appreciation for LMB with your friends and fellow cyclists, and ask them to support us too!
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