Fellow cyclists,
We’re writing to share some difficult news. The board and staff of the League of Michigan Bicyclists decided to take a very hard step: we are canceling our in-person tours for 2020 and transferring all registrations to 2021, unless otherwise requested. This includes HUB Fest, Sunrise Adventure, MUP, and Shoreline West.
While this choice will have a significant financial impact on our organization, it was the only responsible course of action. We refuse to put our riders’ lives at risk.
Since 1981, LMB has promoted bicycling and the safety of all bicyclists on Michigan roadways. In 2020, we’re broadening our mission to “improve life through bicycling”, in part to reflect the many trail riders and mountain bikers who are finding a home with LMB. We conduct educational programs and advocacy at the state capitol to achieve our goals. We’ve seen many successes over the years, such as winning passage of a three-foot safe passing law and – just last week – getting Michigan’s governor to allow bike shops to re-open for no-contact sales and service.
For 39 years in a row, LMB tours have contributed substantially to our operating budget. They not only support our program work, but also underwrite our small but mighty staff. This year, as much as we tried to find a way to make them work, we couldn’t determine any feasible way to hold the tours without exposing everyone – our riders, our volunteers, and the people in communities we visit – to an unknowable and completely unacceptable level of risk.
While this cancellation was necessary, it will have serious consequences for LMB. We cut our operating budget by a third to adjust for the hole left behind, and unfortunately had to make many cuts, such as putting one of our staff on indefinite leave. The future of our work to improve life through bicycling relies on your generosity. Can you donate $25, $50, or $100 today to continue to make cycling safer for everyone?
Through the generosity of an LMB supporter, we have $20,000 in matching funds committed to helping your donation go further. Please donate today to help overcome the loss of our tour revenue.
We hope that you will be able to join us in 2021 to safely celebrate a return to group cycling along the beautiful roads and trails of our great state!
Terry Barnes
Tour Director
PS: We’re working on some fun virtual rides and events to keep you safe and healthy while supporting our Future Fund.
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