Michigan is one of the top 20 most dangerous states for pedestrians.
Cyclists and pedestrians alike are at risk every day. Reducing deaths caused by distracted drivers is one of our top priorities. We were glad to hear Gov. Whitmer propose a hands-free device law on Feb. 12 in her State of the State address, to help everyone keep their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. A ban on handheld devices while driving is much easier to enforce than the current ban on texting and driving.
We call on Michigan legislators and policy makers to take up Gov. Whitmer’s suggestion and pass a bill this year to make Michigan roads safer – and make Michigan bicycling better for everyone.
This law will be our top priority for the year. If you’d like to join us in advocating for its passage, please save the date for Bicycle and Trail Advocacy Day on May 22, 2019.
Categorised in: Advocacy