Volunteer with League of Michigan Bicyclists


2025 Volunteer Opportunities  

   LMB is a volunteer-driven organization. Without committed and passionate people like you, LMB would not exist. The success of our events, tours, and the overall strength of the organization relies on your dedication and service. Thank you!

PLEASE NOTE: These opportunities to volunteer are not aligned with any specific discounts or free access to the events. We ask for volunteers to help to broaden the impact these events can have for our grant programs and other outreach we do across the state. Volunteers allow LMB to designate more funds back to the cycling community and help us improve life through bicycling. 

However you volunteer, we recognize the valuable contribution your efforts have in making our events a tremendous success! Thank you!!! We always appreciate the hard work and dedication of our  amazing volunteers!


SUNRISE: June 12-15 2025 CLICK HERE to signup to volunteer

MUP: July 5-9 2025 CLICK HERE to signup to volunteer

SHORELINE: Aug. 2-10 2025 CLICK HERE to signup to volunteer

LEAF PILE PEDAL: Oct. 9-12 2025 CLICK HERE to signup to volunteer



I want to thank the many humans who have helped us over the last 40 years to make LMB tours some of the most desired in the nation. The breadth of what our volunteers help us to accomplish is unmatched and I just want to make sure all our past, present, and future volunteers know how big of an impact they have made and will continue to make. So once again: thank you. 

We are working hard behind the scenes to build events that are truly for everyone so we want the same to ring true for our volunteers. If you are facing a disability or unique situation that you would like to discuss as it relates to you volunteering, please feel free to reach out to me directly at tours@lmb.org or call the office and they can get the message to me for follow up.


Neal Glazebrook
Events Director