Created by the Benzie Sunrise Rotary Club and hosted by Crystal Mountain for the last 16 years, Benzie Sunrise Rotary’s Bike Benzie Tour is an annual charity ride for the benefit of area youth.


There are three routes to choose from, which start and end at Crystal Mountain. All routes will be patrolled by SAG support vehicles who can assist in case of emergency or the need to return to the resort.

  • 28-Mile Course:  The 28-mile route travels north out of the resort east to Beulah and circles back. It will have a food stop at the Betsie Valley trailhead building in Beulah.
  • 46-Mile Course:  The 46-mile bike tour travels west and north to the village of Elberta, then takes the Betsie Valley Trail to Beulah. The route continues east to and south to the resort. It has two food stops.
  • 63-Mile Course:  The 63-mile route follows the 46-mile route to Elberta, but then heads north along M22, through the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, eventually south through Honor, and back to Crystal Mountain. It will have two food stops.

After Tour Party: June 1, 2023 | 11:30am-1:30pm

Lunch and entertainment are included, and for all adult participants, free craft beer from sponsor Stormcloud Brewery.

Lodging at Crystal Mountain

To reserve your special discount lodging rate with one of our reservation agents, please call 1-877-430-6825. Our office is open daily from 8am to 8pm. The booking code is: BIKEFEST.


12500 Crystal Mountain Drive
Thompsonville, MI 49683

Crystal Mountain Resort in Thompsonville

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